Tuesday, March 15, 2016



Starting Position: Lie on your stomach on a mat or the floor with your legs outstretched behind you. Your toes are pointing toward the wall behind you. Reach your arms out overhead with your palms facing each other.
Relax your neck and align your head with your spine.


Upward Phase: Exhale. Deepen your abdominal and core muscles to stabilize your spine and slowly and strongly reach both legs away from your torso until they lift a few inches off the floor. At the same time float both arms a few inches off the floor. Keep both legs and arms straight and allow any rotation in the arms, legs, shoulders or pelvis. Your head is aligned with your spine. Do not allow your head to lift up or to droop toward the floor. Do not allow the back to arch. Hold this position briefly.


Downward Phase: Gently inhale and lower your legs and arms back to your starting position without any movement in your low back or hips.
For professional guidance in your exercise program,
find an ACE-certified Personal Trainer in your area. Before beginning any fitness program, always see a qualified healthcare provider for advice and to address any questions or concerns. The exercises presented on this website are for suggestion only and should not be substituted for medical diagnosis or treatment. Participate at your own risk and stop if you feel faint or experience shortness of breath.