Monday, March 7, 2016

Conditioning and Deconditioning

Conditioning and deconditioning, also known as training and detraining, are

responsible for gains and losses, respectively, in fitness levels. Whereas conditioning is a

occurs relatively quickly. Some of the various metabolic and cardiorespiratory effects of

conditioning are presented in Table 1-4.
Effects of deconditioning will be noticed within one to four weeks. Deconditioning

reverses the positive metabolic, cardiac, respiratory and muscle enzyme effects that result

from conditioning. Some major effects of deconditioning include:
  • Decrease in maximal aerobic capacity - Heart rate for a given exercise workload

              is higher and the amount of blood pumped by the heart with each beat is reduced.
  • More rapid build up of lactic acid during exercise which leads to earlier fatigue.

  • Reduction in levels of key muscle enzymes which regulate the muscle’s ability

              to generate energy from various sources.
  • Reduced ability to store glycogen in muscle between workouts.

  • Reduced breathing volume which will decrease the amount of oxygen being

            taken to the exercising muscle.
  • Decreased endurance capacity - time to fatigue is shortened.

  • Decreased ability to dissipate body heat during exercise: the ability to exercise

in adverse environments, such as in the heat, is reduced due to all factors

mentioned above.

Retraining is necessary to reverse the performance reducing effects of
deconditioning. However, deconditioning can be prevented or minimized by

maintaining usual exercise intensity during endurance and strength workouts, when
the number or length of work outs is decreased. Aerobic capacity and decreased lactic

acid accumulation during exercise can be maintained by training at least two to three times

per week at your usual training intensity. Strength gains can be maintained by including one

to two strength training workouts sessions per week. Specific training methods for

maintaining fitness under deployed conditions and while overcoming an injury will be

discussed in other chapters (see the next).

Active Recovery

This type of recovery means that you continue to exercise at a low to moderate
(30% to 50% of your maximal heart rate) intensity for several minutes after your regular
workout. For example, walk for 5 to 10 minutes after completing a run. The benefits of
active recovery and additional information about this type of recovery are provided in
the next: Cardiorespiratory Conditioning.